We are asking you to help us spread the word about snow preparation to your neighbors in a new series we are calling “Neighbor-2-Neighbor”. As an important member of your community, we would like you to encourage your neighbors to prepare for this snow season by providing DPW with a short video recorded on your cell phone.
Also, if you have school-age children in your home, we welcome their suggestions for their peers to become winter ready. You may choose from either the suggested scripts or questions below to make your 30- to -60 - second video or if you have an idea for winter readiness you can create your own. Please review the sample questions and scripts we have provided to get ideas for your video or you can use any of the samples we provided. Use your phone to record your tips, then submit your tips to [email protected]. We will let you know when we receive it. Thanks so much for being a good neighbor.
Questions to Guide Your Script
- When do you and your family begin to prepare for snow season?
- How do your children participate in making your family and home winter ready?
- Do you have 3 – 5 days of non-perishable food items before a snow event is forecast?
- Do you check snow.dc.gov when a winter weather event has been forecast?
- What is usually included in your first aid kit?
- How do you make sure you have prescription and over-the-counter medications for everyone in your home including your pets, before a winter weather event is forecast?
- Do you have jumper cables, a working flashlight, batteries and windshield scraper in your car?
- Do you keep water and non-perishable snacks in your car?
- Where do you get information to determine if the road conditions are safe for driving?
- Do you find a battery powered radio useful during a winter weather event?
- Can you use non-clumping kitty litter to get traction underneath your tires?
Sample Snow Preparedness Scripts You May Use
Hello Neighbors. My name is {Say your Name} and I live in Ward {Name Ward}. My family and I prepare for snow every year. This fall we will make sure that we have enough food, medicine and supplies in case a snow event is forecast.
Hello Neighbors. My name is {Say your Name} and I live in Ward {Name Ward}. In preparation for winter weather I always have jumper cables, a working flashlight, batteries and windshield scraper in my car.
Hello Neighbors. My name is {Say your Name} and I live in Ward {Name Ward}. Before snow season I check to make sure my first aid kit is full of fresh supplies.
Hello Neighbors. My name is {Say your Name} and I live in Ward {Name Ward}. Whenever there is a disruption with electrical power, I know I can get important information from my battery powered radio.
Hello Neighbors. My name is {Say your Name} and I live in Ward {Name Ward}. Once a winter weather event is forecast, I immediately check snow.dc.gov for the latest weather conditions and to get tips on how to remain safe during the storm.
Hello Neighbors. My name is {Say Your Name} and I live with my family in {Name Ward}. I help my family get ready for winter by making sure my gloves/mittens match and my snow boots still fit.
Please review our sample questions to get ideas for your script, or you can follow any of the sample scripts we provided. Use your phone to record your tips, then submit your video to [email protected]. We will let you know when we receive it. Thanks so much for being a good neighbor.