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District Snow Team

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Practical Tips to Follow During Snow Season

  • Do not drive distracted.
  • Remember that driving on ice is significantly different than driving on snow.
  • Use extreme caution and maintain safe speeds and distances from other vehicles.
  • Remember even a 4-wheel drive SUV does not perform well in ice and additional safety measures should be followed.
  • Be aware of road conditions, particularly black ice that can be deceptive in its appearance giving the driver a false sense of security on the road.
  • Watch for slippery bridge decks, even when the rest of the pavement is in good condition. Bridge decks will ice up sooner than the adjacent pavement.
  • Remember to keep a safe distance from emergency and snow vehicles and please use caution when attempting to pass a snowplow. Give the drivers plenty of room to safely do their jobs.
  • Clear all the snow and ice from your vehicle's windows and lights — even the hood and roof — before driving.
  • Help your elderly or disabled neighbors remove snow from steps and sidewalks.
  • Clear catch basins and fire hydrants.
  • Please do not put snow in the street. Put all cleared snow, from parked cars and sidewalks, in the "tree box," front yard, or between the curb and sidewalk.