(Washington, DC) For the third time this week, the DC Snow Team (Department of Public Works and Department of Transportation) will deploy more than 200 plows to commercial and residential streets Saturday morning, December 14 for a winter storm. The latest weather forecast calls for light snow with some sleet possible between 7 am-9 am Saturday. The temperature will be around 32F and rise through the morning. Maybe ½- 1 inch of snow is possible, creating slushy roads up until noon. As temperatures rise through the afternoon, snow will change to rain.
“The Snow Team is ready for this latest challenge from Mother Nature,” said DPW Director William O. Howland, Jr. “Fortunately, precipitation should be lighter than this week’s previous storms. People will be able to travel during daylight hours, but we still advise being cautious as they drive and walk throughout the city.”
Property owners are asked to pre-treat their sidewalks with an abrasive such as non-clumping kitty litter, a deicer or rock salt, and clear snow from their sidewalks within 24 hours after the end f the storm. This snow season, the Snow Team is testing the effectiveness of pet-safe deicer on bridges with pedestrian sidewalks.
DPW leaf collection crews are the backbone of the Snow Team and collections were suspended for both Sunday’s and Tuesday’s storms. Some leaf collection crews will be out on Saturday collecting leaves in Area A. Additional crews will return to collecting leaves when conditions allow after Saturday’s snowfall. Collections in Area A neighborhoods will continue until they are finished the first part of next week.
Winter Weather Safety and Preparedness Tips: Motorists are asked to clear all snow from the vehicle first then drive cautiously. Assist elderly or disabled neighbors with clearing their sidewalks. Also, for plow drivers’ safety, “Don’t crowd the plow.” Residents are encouraged to go to snow.dc.gov for updates before, during and after winter storms, and for tips to get one’s home and family prepared for inclement weather. Residents also may sign up at alert.dc.gov to receive emergency alerts and notifications from Alert DC.
To track the plows, go to snow.dc.gov and click on Track Our Plows: http://snowmap.dc.gov/.
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DPW Twitter: @DCDPW
DPW Facebook: DPW on Facebook
DPW Website: dpw.dc.gov
DDOT Facebook: facebook.com/DDOTDC
DDOT Website: ddot.dc.gov